
Sunday, September 26, 2010

We Are.....

We are a place where JOY is abundant. We are a place where differences are not a barrier but a BLESSING. We are a place where children will grow up to CHANGE the world through Christ.

This past weekend was our second preview service at Jacob's Well. We are again amazed at how God is pouring out His blessings on this place. We are now looking forward to our launch service on Oct.9th. Please pray for our new church and our family. We are trying to remain balanced in our service to the church and at home. Some days we do it better than others. I wonder sometimes if He got the right woman for this job. Lord, please equip me for the task that is before us.

Friday, September 24, 2010

After making one of the toughest decision that we have made in a long time to homeschool our kids, we hit the ground running. We didn't make the final decision until late in the summer and so a lot of work had to be done in a short amount of time. I had MANY sleepless nights as I read over countless articles, website and curriculums. I made a final decision on using Tapestry of Grace as our core curriculum. The program walks us all through history based on a biblical worldview. We start in Genesis and work our way chronologically through modern day in four year cycles.

We have had an amazing journey so far. We have enjoyed our slower paced mornings and the creative tangents that we take. There have been challenges, but they pale in comparison to the joy our family has experienced. Here are a few pictures of some of the fun things we have been learning about.

Ancient Egypt
putting on a performance about pharoes
building a zigurat
going to see huge cylinder seals
making our own cylinder seals

Things you can't learn in school:
Is this Mac and Cheese?
creative things you can do with a straw
how to feed a baby a bottle

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A New Start

It has had been about a year since we last posted and things have definitely have changed around here. For starters we have begun to plant a new church called Jacob's Well. It is a church with an amazing vision for the Kingdom. I hope you will check out on our website soon to hear more about it. We are still living in the inner city and are burdened by the poverty and suffering all around us, but AMAZED by how God enters into these situations and brings Hope. The other big change in our world is that we have started to homeschool our children. We started the beginning of this year and have loved it so far. This has produced a much less stressed mom. (yes I said less stressed. More on that later) . A less stressed mom + less stressed kids = a happier home. It is going to be a wild journey and I hope to share the highlights here. One of my favorite things about having my children home is to watch them learn how to spend quiet time with the Lord. I hope you enjoy reading about our crazy lives.
julianne having her quiet time